Perennials in bloom month by month
There are over 300 different types of perennials. We can compose a list of many of the favourites to help you understand when your plants will be in bloom
Advantages of Perennials
- Reliable & resilient, returning every year.
- Lots of variety
- Low maintenance plants. They require less than two or three hours of attention per week.
- Commonly increase in size, which allows you to divide them and spread them to other areas in your yard
- Many gardeners combine them with annuals & bulbs to create a diverse and vibrant garden all season long
If you are looking for a beautiful but low maintenance yard, perennials are a good fit. To learn more about these low maintenance plants and flowers, come into our garden centre or give us a call.
Perennials Blooming Guide By Month
Crocus (Crocus) |
Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa) |
Winter Aconite (Eranthis) |
Snowdrop (Galanthus) |
Christmas Rose (Lenten Rose) (Helleborus) |
Iris (Iris danfordiae) |
Iris (Iris reticulata) |
Striped squill (Puschkinia) |
Squill (Scilla) |
Spring Adonis Adonis |
Golden garlic Allium moly |
Anemone Anemone sp. & cvs. |
Pasque flower Anemone pulsatilla |
Columbine Aquilegia canadensis |
Rock cress Arabis |
False rock cress Aubrietia |
Basket of gold Aurinia (Alyssum) |
Bergenia Bergenia |
Brunnera Brunnera |
Marsh marigold Caltha |
Black cohosh Caulophyllum |
Spring beauty Claytonia |
Dutchman’s breeches Dicentra eximia |
Draba Draba |
Trout lily Erythronium americanum |
Dogtooth violet E. Dens-canis cvs. |
Crown Imperial fritillaria cvs. |
Hepatica Hepatica sp. |
Hyacinth Hyacinth sp. |
Dwarf iris Iris pumila |
Snowflake Leucojum |
Virginia bluebell Mertensia |
Grape hyacinth Muscari cvs. |
Daffodil Narcissus cvs. |
Blue-eyed Mary Omphalodes |
Japanese spurge Pachysandra |
Creeping phlox Phlox sp. |
Ground phlox Phlox subulata |
Primrose Primula sp. & cvs. |
Lungwort Pulmonaria cvs. |
Bloodroot Sanguinaria |
Tulip Tulipa sp. and cvs. |
Violet Viola sp. and cvs. |
Stone cress Aethionema |
Bugle flower Ajuga cvs. |
Spring anemone Anemone sp. |
Columbine Aquilegia hybrids |
Thrift Armeria |
Alpine aster Aster alpinus |
Masterwort Astrantia major |
Quamash Camassia |
Bluebells Campanula poscharskyana |
Corydalis Corydalis sp. |
Lady’s slipper Cypripedium sp.> |
Pinks Dianthus sp. and cvs. |
Bleeding hearts Dicentra sp. and cvs. |
Shooting star Dodecatheon sp. |
Leopard’s bane Doronicum sp. |
Bluebell Endymion (Scilla) |
Barrenwort Epimedium sp. |
Cushion spurge Euphorbia |
Sweet woodruff Galium |
Cranesbill Geranium sp. |
Avens Geum sp. |
Candy tuft Iberis |
(Early) Iris Iris intermedia |
Spring vetchling Lathyrus vernus |
(Early) Peony Paeonia cvs. |
Fernleaf peony Paeonia tenufolia |
Alpine poppy Papaver alpinus |
Creeping phlox Phlox stolonifera |
(Early) Iris Iris intermedia |
Jacob’s ladder Polemonium |
Solomon’s seal Polygonatum |
Primrose Primula |
Buttercup Ranunculus |
Wild pink Silene caroliniana |
Blue-eyed grass Sisyrhinchium |
False Solomon’s seal Smilacina |
Meadow rue Thalictrum |
Foam flower Tiarella |
Spiderwort Tradescantia |
Globeflower Trollius |
Tulip Tulipa cvs. |
Bellwort Uvularia |
Speedwell Veronica sp. |
Violet Viola |
Barren strawberry Waldsteinia |
- Yarrow Achillea
- Rose campion Agrostamma (Lychnis)
- Lady’s mantle Alchemilla
- Ornamental onion Allium sp.
- Peruvian lily Alstromeria
- Italian bugloss Anchusa
- Pussytoes Antennaria
- Golden Marguerite Anthemis
- Fan columbine Aquilegia flabellata
- Goat’s beard Aruncus
- Astilbe Astilbe hybrids
- False indigo Baptisia
- Bellflowers Campanula sp.
- Cupid’s dart Catananche
- Cornflower Centaurea sp.
- Red valerian (K) Centranthus
- Snow in summer Cerastium
- Shasta daisy Chrysanthemum
- Golden star Chrysogonum
- Clematis Clematis integrifolia
- Coreopsis Coreopsis sp. and cvs.
- Crown vetch Coronilla
- Delphinium Delphinium
- Pinks Dianthus
- Gas plant Dictamnus
- Foxglove Digitalis
- Mountain avens Dryas
- Queen of the prairie Filipendula rubra
- Queen of the meadow Filipendula ulmaria
- Dropwort Filipendula vulgaris
- Blanket flower Gaillardia
- Creeping baby’s breath Gypsophila repens
- Sun rose Helianthemum
- Lemon daylily Hemerocallis flava
- Sweet rocket Hesperis
- Coral bells Heuchera
- Hardy gloxinia Incarvillea
- Dutch iris Iris hybrids
- Bearded iris Iris germanica
- Siberian iris Iris sibirica
- Dead nettle Lamium
- Asiatic lilies Lilium
- Flax Linum
- Lupine Lupinus
- Maltese cross Lychnis
- Yellow loosestrife Lysimachia sp.
- Welsch poppy Mecanopsis
- Cambrica bee balm Monarda
- Catmint Nepeta
- Evening primrose Oenothera
- Peony Paeonia
- Oriental poppy Papaver orientale
- Beardtongue Penstemon
- Phlox Phlox carolina, maculata, suffruticosa
- Cinquefoil Potentilla atrosanginea
- Primrose Primula beesiana, bullesiana, bulleyana
- Salvia, sage Salvia superba
- Rock soapwort Saponaria ocymoides
- Scabiosa Scabiosa
- Checkerbloom Sidalcea
- Stachys, betony Stachys
- Carolina lupine Thermopsis
- Spike speedwell Veronica spicata
- Monkshood Aconitum
- Hollyhock Alcea
- Ornamental onion Allium sp.
- Butterfly weed Asclepius
- Aster Aster x frikartii
- Astilbe Astilbe simplicifolia
- Milky bellflower Campanula lactiflora
- Knapweed Centaurea
- Black snakeroot Cimicifuga
- Purple coneflower Echinacea
- Globe thistle Echinops
- Fleabane Erigeron
- Goat’s rue Galega
- Summer hyacinth Galtonia
- Gentian Gentiana sp.
- Baby’s breath Gypsophila
- Sunflower Helianthus
- Daylily Hemerocallis
- Hosta Hosta cvs.
- Inula Inula
- Japanese iris Iris kaempferi
- Red hot poker Kniphofia tuckii
- Perennial sweet pea Lathyrus
- Lavender Lavendula
- Oriental lily Lilium
- Statice Limonium
- Golden flax Linum flavum
- Purple loosestrife Lythrum
- Mallow Malva
- Plume poppy Macleaya
- Summer phlox Phlox paniculata
- Obedient plant Physostegia
- Yellow coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata
- Rue Ruta
- Meadow clary Salvia pratensis
- Stonecrop Sedum sp.
- Meadow rue Thalictrum
- Yucca Yucca
- Monkshood Aconitum
- Pearly everlasting Anaphalis
- Grapeleaf anemone Anemone vitifolia
- Mugwort Artemisis lactiflora
- Italian aster Aster amellus
- Turtlehead Chelone sp.
- Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum
- Golden aster Chrysopsis
- Clematis Clematis heracleifolia
- Mist flower Eupatorium sp.
- Bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii
- Helenium Helenium autumnale
- Hosta Hosta
- Red hot poker Kniphofia uvaria
- Gayfeather Liatris
- Lily Lilium speciosum
- Lily turf Liriope
- Blue lobelia Lobelia siphilitica
- Fleece flower Polygonum
- Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia
- Stoke’s aster Stokesia
- Veronicastrum Veronicastrum
- Japanese anemone Anemone hybrids
- Michaelmas daisy Aster
- Fall mums Chrysanthemum
- Bugbane Cimicifuga simplex
- Autumn crocus Colchicum
- Hibiscus Hibiscus
- Waxbells Kirengeshoma
- Cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis
- Gooseneck loosestrife Lysimachia
- Mountain fleece Polygonum
- Sedum Ruby Glow Sedum
- October daphne Sedum sieboldii
- Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ Sedum spectabile
- Goldenrod Solidago
- Tovara Tovara