Do’s and Don’ts for spraying Dormant Oil

This Combination of Horticultural Oil and Lime Sulphur is applied to kill diseases, insects and their eggs that have overwintered on certain trees and shrubs such as Fruit, Crab apple, Cedars, Junipers, Honey Locust, Hawthorn, Roses and Euonymus .


-Spray when trees are dormant

– Spray in the morning and only mix the amount you will need as it cannot be saved for further use once mixed.

– Spray when temperature is above 0°C for more than 24 hours

-wear gloves and wash hands and face after completed task


-Spray on rainy or windy days

-Spray if there are fat buds or first leaves are emerging

-let product come into contact with wood, siding, brick, natural stone ,concrete or patio furniture, cover these and if in doubt of other areas with a drop cloth or plastic.

-Store in garage or potting shed over winter and let freeze

-Spray Japanese maple, Walnut, Colorado blue spruce, Holly, Beech, Hickory, Sugar Maple or Butternut.